
color, color, color

if you've seen my logo, it may be no surprise to you that color is one of my favorite design elements.

case 1:
take, for example, a recent project i've been working on: a web-based money management software. the technology is amazing, but it needed something to connect the advanced back-end with the end user.before: the colors seems drab, and the design un-inviting. (granted, they weren't trying to put much effort into the design)

after: the site appears welcoming, and the technology as advanced as it really is! in some ways, the changes were minor...but they add up to make a big difference.

case 2:
onyx websites

before: the colors are so plain, bland, and paint-bucket-esque, i don't think even a good design could make them look professional.

after: toning the colors down a bit and changing up the logo makes all the difference. though this is a rough design and still very simple, the difference is unmistakable.

in professional designs, gray is one of my favorite colors. it's legible, but not as hard-edged and plain. bright colors can work well, but they must be chosen carefully.

so today's lesson - go, design, create - but do it with (the right) color!

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